How do I make a gift in my Will?

A Will is personal, however we are always available to discuss your wishes and intentions if you would like.

It is generally quick and simple to instruct your solicitor or legal advisor to leave a gift to the Dilworth Trust Board in your Will using the following wording as a template.

“I give to the Dilworth Trust Board, a charitable trust registered with the New Zealand Charities Services - Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai (CC32171),

 ________________________  (state a specific percentage) of my estate

Or ______________________  (state a specific percentage) of the residue of my estate

Or $ _____________________ (state a specific dollar amount)

Or ______________________ (describe precisely an item of property, shares or assets you wish to gift)

free from all duties and charges, as a contribution to the Dilworth Trust Board to be applied to the support, education and care of its students, for which the receipt of the Dilworth Trust Board shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.”

You may specify a particular purpose or named scholarship, however, we encourage you to allow the Trust Board to apply your gift to the greatest needs for student support, education and care at the time, as outlined in the Will wording template above.

Enduring generosity

Anna Wynn Southern, a Dilworth mother. Anna passed away in January 2019 and chose to leave a gift in her Will, knowing how a Dilworth education transformed her son’s life, Jason.