Leave a gift in your Will

Leave a legacy you believe in.  Leave a gift in your Will to Dilworth.

Dilworth School is the legacy and vision of one couple who gave thousands of Kiwi boys the gift of unlimited opportunity.

Their names were James and Isabella Dilworth, and in 1894, they gifted their considerable wealth to establish a school for boys of any race and creed whose families were experiencing “straitened circumstances”, so that they might become “good and useful members of society”. 

Over a century later, their incredible legacy continues to positively impact young men's lives - beyond measure! Today, as then, we accept boys from families experiencing personal or financial hardship and offer them a lifetime of possibility through the power of an excellent education.​​​​

Every year many more families and young men apply to attend Dilworth, but the capacity of our charitable organisation to support them all is limited. The cost of a Dilworth scholarship has almost doubled in ten years. And that is why we need your support to maintain and also extend this life-changing opportunity to a greater number of students if possible.

With extra funds, imagine how many more young men could be given the gift of opportunity?

The reason I made a gift in my Will is because I am eternally grateful for the education Dilworth gave me."

Frederick Jeffrey ONeill, Class of 1970

Make Your Will Your Power

Leaving a legacy, no matter how big or small, is a way of giving that effectively costs you nothing during your lifetime and yet continues to help others well beyond your lifetime.

Leaving a gift in your Will - after your loved ones have been provided for - is a very special way you can leave a legacy you believe in – an outstanding education – and keep on caring for people into the future. It will ensure that we will always be able to provide the incredible gift of opportunity for Dilworth students.

Like ripples in a pond, extending far and wide, when you leave a gift to Dilworth in your Will, your decision can touch more lives than you could ever imagine.

boys standing and talking by the Dilworth sign


Introducing The James & Isabella Dilworth Legacy Circle

We invite all our supporters - Old Boys, alumni, donors and friends - who share our commitment to the highest quality education for boys to build on the generous and far-reaching vision of our founders and leave a gift in their Will to Dilworth.

When you include Dilworth in your Will and notify us that you have done so, you will automatically become members in the James & Isabella Dilworth Legacy Circle and you will receive a special pin and certificate and be invited to selected events.

Enduring generosity

Arthur Sydney Norman chose Dilworth as the recipient of his generosity when he left a significant gift in his Will in 2015, which was used to support the construction of the Junior Campus Sports Centre, a transformational facility opened in March 2019 by the Governor-General of New Zealand.

Feel free to contact us

If you have any questions, please contact 

Emma Zigan
Director of Advancement

(+64) 021 0855 0656


Thank you for your consideration.