Pastoral Care

student talking to board house staff member

One of the most important things we offer our students is certainty.

At Dilworth we provide a safe and caring school climate that helps students feel supported and is integral to feeling good and flourishing.

At Dilworth all staff are involved in the care and wellbeing of ākonga.  There is an entire network of people who take an active interest in ākonga welfare, supporting, physical, mental and emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.

The Pastoral Care Team is led by the Director of Student Services and is supported by the Counsellor, School Psychologist and Registered Nurses.  Teachers, Deans, House Leaders, House Managers House Assistants, House Co-ordinators, provide layers of wrap-around support from the classroom through to the boarding environment. If students need extra emotional support, beyond what is offered in the classroom or the boarding houses, they are referred to the Pastoral Care team. 

The ’Ako Puāwaitanga’ curriculum has been designed to enhance ākonga and their wellbeing journey.  Three times a week small groups of no more than 10 students meet with a staff member to learn about our school-wide flourishing model that encompasses Growth, Connection, Vitality, Care & Safety.  This programme progresses through Year 7 to Year 13.

We recognise the valuable contribution whānau make to their students’ wellbeing.   Lines of communication are always open and we are grateful to hear from whānau about challenges their young man may be facing outside of school so that we are aware of his home environment.