Dilworth Pasifika Advisory Group (PAG)

The Dilworth Pasifika Advisory Group (PAG), is important to our school community. It comprises whānau who support our Pasifika young men to thrive. 

The PAG developed a Pasifika Plan and Model, which you can see here...

The model was developed through Talanoa around well-being frameworks relevant to Pacific peoples, and a consensus to adapt The Fonofale Model was the result (Pulotu-Endemann, 2001).
The Fale Pasifika model shows that, together, the five pou (Physical, Spiritual, Cultural, Emotional and Curriculum), underpinned by strong Family and Community foundations, are the critical components that enable our Pasifika young men to flourish.

The Pasifika Plan aligns and sits under the umbrella of the Dilworth Strategic Plan.

Pasifika Advisory Group Members

We extend our congratulations to elected whānau on the PAG for 2024:

Essendon Tuitupou (Chair), Lawrence Ualesi, Helen Fa’amoe, Lorna Faalafi, Fetuaoina Ah Young, Epenesa Ieremia, Lanna Ali’ifa’alogo 

We also want to acknowledge the original PAG members who got this exceptional mahi underway, serving the school and community and setting a great foundation from which we can build.

Our thanks go to: 
Yvonne Ualesi, Chris Mafi, Siaosi Uhila, Fisiena Rex-Siono