Moving the needle on the Excellence Credit Tally

Date: 19 May 2023

The spotlight on academic achievement continued this week with Monday’s assembly in the Senior Campus Hall marking a key milestone towards reaching the school’s academic targets for the year.

And if you have ever wondered the reason for the large thermometer on the wall in the Assembly Hall, on Monday it all made sense! Dilworth students receiving excellence credits, were called up on stage, their academic achievements read out by Headmaster Dan Reddiex, who then went on to award each student with an all-important, green token. Students then placed their token into the Excellence Credit Thermometer which went towards the credits tally for their year level.


What are the school’s goals for academic achievement this year?


NCEA Level 1           2300 credits

(Average of 26.1 Excellence credits per student)

NCEA Level 2           1800 credits

(Average of 24.7 Excellence credits per student).

NCEA Level 3           1400 credits

(Average of 20 Excellence credits per student).

The young men awarded with excellence credits on Monday have made a great start to moving the needle on the thermometer, but there is a way to go and everyone at assembly was urged by Mr Reddiex to play their part. He talked to students about the importance of trying their best in all their endeavors, of making the most of their time at school. He also gave Dilworth students a message around believing in themselves.

‘You are capable of more than you think you are’

Mr Reddiex painted a clear picture of the personal satisfaction and tangible rewards in life, and career, of trying hard. He also outlined the significant rewards for Dilworth students who study hard and gain excellence credits, noting the value of grants post school that are possible. Some grants, like those awarded by the Staples Foundation, not only help students financially, but they also provide mentors and create access to work placement and networks – providing experiences that can be life changing.   

Dilworth also has a very generous leaver’s grant which increases in dollar value with Merit and Excellence course endorsements at levels 1, 2 and 3. And if that wasn’t enough incentive, Mr Reddiex also put pizza and pepsi on the table for those year groups who meet their Excellence credit targets.

So how are we tracking so far?

Year 13 265 Excellence credits 

Year 12 258 Excellence credits

Year 11 498 Excellence credits

The message to students was clear – put your foot down and go for it - aim to get closer by the end of term! It will be well worth the effort.

Students receiving Excellence Credits:

  • Gene King                             17 credits – 10 in History; 4 in Statistics; 3 in Geography
  • England England                  4 credits – PE
  • Julian Barrett                        8 credits – 4 in Statistics; 4 in Construction and Mechancial Technology
  • Mosese Manuopangai         3 credits – Chemistry
  • Malachi Freeman                 10 credits – 4 in Construction and Mechancial Technology; 3 in Statistics; 3 in Physics

Year 12:

  • Orlando Afeaki                      8 credits – 4 in PE; 4 in Drama
  • Joshua Baker                       4 credits – Drama
  • Paula Loni                             3 credits – Media Studies
  • Mason Sands                       9 credits – 5 in History; 4 in PE
  • Reuben Smith                       12 credits – 5 in History; 4 in Statistics; 3 in Geography

Year 11:

  • Nino Carr                               8 credits – 4 in Science; 4 in Maths
  • Jesaias Cowan                     3 credits – Accounting
  • Alex Gage                             4 credits – Maths
  • Seth Kaleta                           8 credits – 4 in Maths; 4 in Science
  • Mikaera Hoeta                      4 credits – Science
  • Damian Howard                   8 credits – 4 in Science; 4 in Maths
  • Henry Kwon                          17 credits – 6 in English; 4 in Science; 3 in Economics; 4 in Level 2 Maths
  • Sean Lile                               11 credits – 4 in Maths; 4 in Science; 3 in English
  • Ifalame Lui                            11 credits – 4 in Science; 3 in English; 4 Maths