Media Statement from Dilworth School Headmaster Dan Reddiex

Date: 22 Nov 2023

Teaching Council Disciplinary Tribunal Decision: Julia Brown

"Dilworth School has been advised that investigations by the Teaching Council’s Disciplinary Tribunal into allegations against a former employee, Ms Julia Brown, have now concluded with the Tribunal determining ‘without hesitation that Ms Brown is not of good character nor fit to be a teacher.’ 

The Tribunal has cancelled Ms Brown’s teaching registration and said that ‘on the facts of this case, we consider that no outcome short of cancellation is appropriate for this level of conduct and we so order.’

It has also ruled against an application for non-publication of Ms Brown’s name. The Tribunal has ordered that Ms Brown contributes to 50 per cent of the costs of the Complaints Assessment Committee (CAC) and Tribunal, amounting to $6,307.57 in total.

Dilworth supports these decisions. Dilworth School did not seek to have its name suppressed. 

After a complaint to the Teaching Council about allegations relating to historical abuse was first brought to our attention in March 2021, Ms Brown was immediately suspended and has not attended or taught at the School since that time. 

Subsequently in May 2022, when the School received a complaint from the former student who had been abused, we immediately commenced an independent investigation.  Based on the findings by the independent investigator, we believed there were grounds to terminate Ms Brown’s employment at Dilworth, which we did.

We honour the courage of the former student who made the complaint.  While he was legally an adult at the time of the offending, Ms Brown was entrusted with his care as his teacher.

Dilworth School acted swiftly and in accordance with our stringent child safeguarding policies and procedures. 

Confidentiality provisions relating to matters before the Teaching Council’s Disciplinary Tribunal meant that details about a second complaint against Julia Brown were not known to Dilworth until the Tribunal’s findings and decision were issued today.

The Dilworth Independent Inquiry Report issued in October 2023 referenced the complaints made against Ms Brown.  In line with confidentiality requirements at the time of its publication, the Report did not name her.

In late 2020 the Teaching Council advised the School of another unrelated complaint about historical abuse. This resulted in a second teacher being immediately suspended.  The School undertook another independent investigation after the complainant approached the School directly this year.  As a result the teacher is no longer employed by the School. 

While the matter relating to this second individual is before  the Teaching Council Disciplinary Tribunal, the School is required to maintain confidentiality and cannot provide any further comment.

Dilworth School is committed to providing a safe, caring and nurturing learning and living environment, to ensure the wellbeing and prevent the harm of tamariki, rangatahi, their whānau/family and staff. This is our single greatest priority and responsibility.  

Dilworth’s Child Wise accreditation reflects the dedicated effort by our School to be open and transparent about dealing with abuse, and the development and adoption of new policies and processes for safeguarding, recruitment, staff training, student education and response to reports of abuse.

I encourage any student or former student, whānau or family member with concerns about Ms Brown or any other safety matter to raise them with me directly, or with our Child Safeguarding Officer."