It’s Tertiary Application Season for our Year 13s!

Date: 18 Aug 2023

It’s the time of the year when students are encouraged to apply for university courses, scholarships, and where relevant, university halls of residence. School Leaver scholarships are offered by all of the country’s eight universities as well as other organisations, including employers. Scholarships vary in terms of what they offer and who is eligible, and it can often be a daunting process for young people, and their parents!  Scholarships tend to be offered based on academic performance; financial hardship; leadership; sport; performing arts and cultural involvement. There are also scholarships available for Māori and Pasifika ākonga. Most scholarship applications are now open and have various closing dates throughout August and September.

The Careers and Pathways Learning Area produces a comprehensive scholarship guide that is available to students through their Wilton House Google Classroom and their online careers platform ‘Career Central’. The Careers Room also has hard copies of the guide. Students are encouraged to use the Money Hub website which has a whole database of scholarships for the boys to research.

In addition to those contested nationally, there are school-based opportunities. The Staples Education Foundation (SEF) offers several scholarships annually for Dilworth students and there are school awards open for application later in the term. SEF Scholarships are open now.

For senior students already facing many choices about where to go, and what to do beyond school, lots of form filling and personal statement writing can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. The Careers Team actively supports students with all aspects of tertiary applications, both individually and in their Financial Literacy classes, but it’s great when parents can get involved too. The key is to get started. Students can apply to multiple universities, courses and scholarships of interest. They can firm up their plans in Term 4 and over the summer, when they know what they have been offered.

Careers and Pathways Head of Learning Area, Gemma Halford, offers some tips for helping out at home:

Support them to do their research…

If you can, join the Facebook page of the university your son is applying to, or follow the university on Instagram or Linked In. That way, you’ll get updates about Open Days, key dates for 2023 and 2024, and lots of useful links to help your son get prepared. If you can, attend an Open Day or Information Evening with your son. It’s a great way to see what a university has to offer, and if it is going to suit your son’s way of learning.

 Ask what supporting documents you can help with…

Ask the question “What documents do you need for your applications”? Getting on top of supporting pieces of information, like digging out birth certificates/passports and IRD numbers, prevents issues down the line.

Read over their applications…

Ask your son if you can read over his application to make sure he hasn’t missed anything!

Help them check if they are eligible for a Student Allowance…

If students are applying for a student allowance, or a student loan to help with university costs, accessing is the best way to check what assistance they will get. All students should check the eligibility calculator on the website and they will need your help to fill in information about your financial status.

Contact the Careers Team!

The Careers Team are here to help and the team are available by appointment anytime during the year or at Parent/Teacher evenings. Whilst the whole application process can be daunting it should never be in the too hard basket, and no question is a silly question, so parents are welcome to get in touch.

For more information contact Gemma Halford: