What we look for in a prospective Dilworth student
Dilworth offers young men a scholarship worth around $50,000 a year that includes everything from access to music lessons and instruments, tuition, sporting equipment, uniforms, accommodation, meals and so much more.

Our school founder James Dilworth was very specific in his Will about his vision for the school and the young men who should benefit from the scholarship.
What makes Dilworth different from most independent schools which offer boarding, is that our students are not selected based on academic or sporting achievement. Dilworth's young men are selected based on family need, which can be for a whole variety of reasons.
Young men suitable for Dilworth display an enthusiastic attitude to school and a desire to achieve their full potential. They must be able to foster positive relationships with others and be open to boarding school life. We look for young men from families of good character who care deeply about providing their son with a first-class education and co-curricular opportunities.
Every application is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Our Criteria
- Family background: The Will states that young men should be selected from families or parents of good character to ensure those young men become good and useful citizens.
- Family need: We encourage and accept applications from families all across New Zealand who would like to provide their young man with the exceptional opportunities they know he deserves. Applications are accepted from two-parent families, single-parent families, and blended families.
- Suitability: Prospective students must display a positive attitude to school life, a desire to achieve their full potential, possess the ability to maintain positive relationships with others and be open to boarding school life.
- Residential: If not New Zealand born, applicants and candidates must each have New Zealand Citizenship or be the holders of Permanent Resident Visas (PRV). Parents/legal guardians/candidates who are holders of a Resident Visa do not meet the criteria for consideration.
- Residence:
i) Applicants and candidates must be fully resident in New Zealand at the time of application and must have been fully resident in New Zealand for a minimum of 12 months prior to the young man’s expected start date.
ii) Applicant(s) must remain fully resident in New Zealand for the duration of the young man’s scholarship.
iii) The young man must be fully resident with the applicant(s). - Intake area: We accept applications from both the North and South Island of New Zealand.
- Behavioural and Learning: Due to the nature of boarding school life, students exhibiting behavioural challenges or significant learning difficulties are not accepted.
- Health: All students should be in good health and possess the ability to participate fully in all aspects of Dilworth life. This includes, but is not limited to, weekly sport involvement, fitness challenges, school camps.
- Immunisations: All students must be fully immunised, as recommended by the Ministry of Health.
- Parents/legal guardians: If not the legal parent, the applicant must have legal guardianship and parenting order, in respect of the candidate.