Mangatāwhiri Campus

About the Mangatāwhiri Campus 

Located in the valley between Puketutu, Bombay Hills and the Hunua Ranges, the Mangatāwhiri Campus stands proudly. It is a special place where history and whenua is rich and this is felt as soon as your feet are grounded and your eyes rise to meet the vastness of the mountains. The campus is flanked by the Mangatāwhiri river that flows from Auckland to the Waikato Plains and eventually finds its way to the Waikato river and then the open sea. Not only is this river a significant landmark in New Zealand history but it serves as a place of learning where ākonga/learners can be kaitiaki/stewards of their environment as they develop a love of creation and place. Similarly, Dilworth ākonga/learners will move through their own learning journey from the Auckland Campuses to the Mangatāwhiri Campus and ultimately beyond Dilworth School.

Te Haerenga/ The Journey

The Mangatāwhiri Campus is ‘home-base’ for the Learning in the Outdoors Programme- named Te Haerenga/ The Journey. Facilities at the campus include:

  • Standing Campsite
  • Indoor Climbing Wall
  • Indoor and Outdoor Abseil Platform
  • Mountain Bike Track
  • High Ropes and Low Ropes Course (soon to be constructed)
  • Rugby and Football Fields
  • Gymnasium and Weights Room
  • Dining Room and Commercial Size Kitchen
  • Indoor and Outdoor Chapel space
  • Classroom and meeting spaces
  • Cabins that sleep 10 with a laundry, drying room, kitchenette, wood burner and lounge.

While at the Mangatāwhiri Campus, ākonga/learners will be boarding with others in a Cabin and will need to develop important skills, such as washing clothes, cleaning toilets, mopping, communication and independence. When outdoors,  ākonga/learners are likely to be sharing a tent or bivouac, where other skills become important, such as cooking over a fire, survival, interdependence and care for the environment.

Te Haerenga/The Journey experience integrates concepts covered in the Ako Puāwaitanga curriculum and the Dilworth Learner Profile, such as Leadership, Service and Connection with the purpose to meet our Vision and prepare for the world beyond Dilworth School.